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Margarita Bolgar

Artist, painter and graphic


Artist's statement:

…I am standing in a temporary room and looking through the window on a boy who is playing with a white ball, which looks like a big dragée. Since I’ve left the frontline, where I lived for a year and a half, I am trying to understand who am I now: that ball which bounces from the kicks of fate, or a boy, who perceives his life as a game?

I called this work “A pearl in the stream”. Once I was looking for translation and origin of my name. I found that Margarita means “a pearl”. Since then, this meaning became very close to my heart. It gave me comfort.

So here I am, sitting at the palette of spilled multicolored paints, feeling like a pearl inside their stream. A pearl which jumped from an eye of a fish, trying to be seen, not to get lost and to find my path inside this stream. Because inside my mundane life, I still hold to a more elevated dream. I dream to become a handy “Miss Art-Universe”.  

Like all my previous works, this one is also quite ironic. I depict my everyday life, and also my future life as a star. Cosmic Cow is the Art Universe. Its udder, like the sun, pours with the whole specter of ultraviolet color on the palate of earth. And my paintings make people happy in the world’s largest museums. Like the Louvre. And there are of course fireworks, during which I used to make wishes.

I feel great gratitude to everyone, who helps me to continue making art, the words of Bernard Shaw inspire me: “Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”

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