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Battle for the Tower

Built at the end of the 14th century, this tower-donjon is the only defense structure of this type from the time of the Vytautas the Grand Duke of Lithuania, which is remained until today in Ukraine.


This Tower is common heritage of Ukraine and Lithuania. It has not only great historical significance, but tourist potential also.



XIV century – watchtower (customs tower) from the time of Vytautas the Great (Grand Duchy of Lithuania);

XV–XVII centuries – Turkish watchtower;

XIX century - the observation tower of Prince Trubetsky's estate;

20th century - water tower.


600 years ago, the Lower Dnieper and the Black Sea region was a distant borderland of the lands subject to the Vytautas, the Grand Duke of Lithuania, who ruled from 1392 to 1430. At that time, the most important historical events unfolded here with decisive role of Vytautas: a new state of Crimean Khanate appeared on the map of Europe, and the Golden Horde, one of the largest empires of the Middle Ages, disappeared. Therefore, the name of Vytautas survives not in local legends only, but also in geographical names and historical monuments, and the watchtower is the most prominent among them.


At that time, the border ran along the Dnieper River, so there were customs points. On the maps of the 17th century we see the name “Balneum Vitoldi” on the present location of the tower. Presumably, this is the Vytautas customs post, which controlled one of the largest crossings of the Lower Dnieper – Tavan’ crossing, located between Beryslav (fortress of Siemimaiki, later named Kazi Kermen) and Kakhovka (Oslam Kermen), i.e. between the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (later the Poland Kingdom) and the Crimean Khanate. There were two more fortresses on the island of Tavan, now flooded by the Kakhovsky Reservoir. In 1695, all of them were destroyed by Zaporozhian Cossacks led by Ivan Mazepa. The watchtower survived through all these events.

In 2016 plans for the construction of the second stage of the Kakhovskaya HPP appeared, that threatened the Watchtower. Activists found out that some years ago, the Watchtower had the status of monument of local importance dated by XVIII-XIX centuries, but then this status mysteriously disappeared. There was no security agreement with the owner. There was no security zone.

The construction plans were to be preceded by archaeological research in 2017, but the government did not allocate funds for this.


April 5, 2016 under the pressure of activists and experts, the Watchtower was included into the List of newly discovered monuments of history and culture in the Kherson region. A passport of the object with a security zone has been prepared for the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine.



December 16, 2016 the Watchtower was included into the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine under the category of local significance (dated by 1880-1890) with recommendation to enter the Register under the category of national significance.


In 2016 the results of research of the composition of mortars used in the masonry of the Vytautas Tower, which, in particular, stated: "The masonry structure of defensive towers and walls of the Lithuanian period... In fact, it should be an architectural monument of national importance."



In 2017 activists and expert appeals to the Kherson Regional Council, Prime Minister of Ukraine, Minister of Culture, Minister of Energy, Head of the EBRD Representation in Ukraine, Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania in Ukraine with a request to help speed up including of the Watch Tower into the State Register of Monuments of Cultural Heritage of National Importance that is responsibility of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Also they ask to notify the Ministry of Energy of the need to take into account public proposals when considering the Kakhovskaya HPP-2 construction project, namely: divert the channel from the walls of the tower by 100 meters in accordance with the regulatory protection zone, leave the territory of the tower available for free visits.


January 25, 2018 the Watchtower was finally included into the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine with the status of cultural heritage object of national importance (resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine).


August 2018 scientists of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine began researching of the Watchtower. The research is managed by Doctor of Historical Sciences O.Symonenko.


September 2018 the monograph of the Institute of Archeology of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine "On crossroads of two worlds: historical heritage of Ukraine and Lithuania on the territory of Kherson region" was published. New discoveries proved the need and importance of further research not only for the history and culture of two countries, but for understanding of processes of forming of the Eurasian civilization also.


The project "Lendart and archaeology: new synergy across borders" is supported by the European Union under the "House of Europe" program.

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