
Alyona Shibunova
Artist statement:
There is a myth that some women in Ukraine are witches.
The word "witch" in old meaning means "person who knows". In ancient times, witches were not considered evil. On the contrary, archaeologists have even found several clay figurines of female witches who cause rain from the sky. In general, a witch meant only a wise woman who knows something that ordinary people do not know.
Modern women are regaining their power, their practical magic. In times of war, they use prayers, lullabies, and curses as weapons to defend their land in the struggle for the freedom.
A witch is a magical woman, and protector at the same time.
So, I claim that all Ukrainian women are witches and each of them creates magic to protect their land with her own power/energy/action.
I create a Dome/Shield from stalks of rye and wheat to cover Ukrainian land.
The dome was created according to the principles of sacred geometry, which is based on the authentic tradition of our ancestors of weaving “spiders”. Spiders are sacred geometric designs that were created before Christmas and hung from the ceiling; they moved and absorbed negative energy into their "web". Their purpose was to purify and harmonize space and human.
I chose the dome shape because it is what our country needs and what women are creating on the invisible front right now.
Material: stalks of rye, wheat.