Egle Maskalunaite, Lithuania
Artist statement:
...This work was created on the foundation of the former Orthodox church. The place attracted me with its neglect, some kind of anti-aesthetics. We climbed over piles of bricks, garbage, over fallen tree trunks. For me, this place turned out to be the most disgusting in the village. It contrasted with the fragile beauty of the church, its strange dome and the found bricks of the original facade. Maybe I felt the need to do something for the church, maybe I saw personal parallels, but I wanted to make my art object only in this place. I created a tower with the motif of an Orthodox cross at the top in memory of the church.
About the author: Egle Maskalunaite
(real name Egle Butkuviene)
Artist, ceramics teacher, curator from Vilnius, Lithuania
Member of the Association of Artists of Lithuania.
Vilnius Academy of Arts (1993–1999), bachelor and master.