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United by land

Anastasia Muslovets, Ukraine


Artist statement:

"Archaeologists are investigating a town that was destroyed during the war. It was on the front line. I wanted to depict the community that was here – people of different cultures, different beliefs, different professions lived here, but all of them were united by the land on which they lived. They had families, jobs, and lives here. I wanted to depict how they gathered like a tribe – all together, on the same land, with love for this land and for each other."


About the author: Anastasia Muslovets

Artist, graphic designer.

Education: Vinnytsia Pedagogical University named after M. Kotsyubynskyi (from 2019 to the present day).

Participant of art festivals and projects, including Gogolfest, Mithoginesis, VinArtCity.


The project "Lendart and archaeology: new synergy across borders" is supported by the European Union under the "House of Europe" program.

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