Director: Maxim Afanasyev Playwright: Alexander Zyryanov A young family is living in the apartment of their lonely relative. They both have to put up with the fact that their uncle is an unemployed alcoholic, who not only doesn't want to do anything around the house, but also insults and humiliates them. However, the insults are mutual. And they have other problems even without the uncle. The family tries to get rid of the flat owner. After another attack of delirium tremens, knowing that he was a former mortar, they get their uncle mobilized in the Ukrainian army and sent to fight to Donbas. Uncle is unsure for which side to fight. “That's what we came to, Ukrainians fighting a war with Russians. In my veins and in yours, Ira, there is blood of both. What is our homeland now? Ukraine or Russia? For me, the Homeland is an area where my home is, so I'm going to defend it. Do not forget about me and finish sixing the bathroom”.