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You are deaf if you agree
November 2016

Macaroni with Sugar, November 2017

Democracy Verbatim

You are deaf if you agree
November 2016

perphormance "Family trees"
A harrowing and bitterly funny new play about Ukrainian families memory
"Macaroni with Sugar"
Movie road stories

15 Bodies Hotel
TV performance, 2015
They came. They are leaving soon. They are here for a while. They live, but only as transients. I hardly can call it a normal life. It is a transient life. Such life is quite different. I would call it a “semi-life”. They feel themselves out of place. Like a fish out of water. Can you imagine, what they do, when they check into a hotel? They turn on… a TV! Can you believe it? A TV! They are no longer lonely, when TV is near, they think. TV can work even muted. But it should connect (resonate) their heartbeat and convulsion of the broadcasting. No, it is not convulsions. TV broadcasting is transmitted through the air in the droplet way. Damn, like flu. It looks cozy in every house. But we feel uncomfortable, it is not near us. My TV saves me every day. I am going to burn in its righteous, “quasi-holy” flame of propaganda. I will burn clear and slim. To hell with me!
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